Official Dimensions of a Soccer Playing Field
The field (or pitch) of play must be
The length of the touch line must be greater
than the length of the goal line.
Length: minimum 90 m (100 yds) maximum 120 m
(130 yds)
Width: minimum 45 m (50 yds) maximum 90 m (100
International Matches
Length: minimum 100 m (110 yds) maximum 110 m
(120 yds)
Width: minimum 64 m (70 yds) maximum 75 m (80
The field of play is marked with lines.
These lines belong to the areas of which they
are boundaries.
The two longer boundary lines are called touch
lines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines.
The field of play is divided into two halves
by a halfway line.
The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint
of the halfway line.
A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is marked around it.
A goal area is defined at each end of the
A penalty area is defined at each end of the
Goals must be placed on the centre of each
goal line.
They consist of two upright posts equidistant from the corner
flagposts and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar.
The distance between the posts is 7.32 m (8 yds) and the
distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is
2.44 m (8 ft).
Nets may be attached to the goals and the ground behind the
goal, provided that they are properly supported and do not
interfere with the goalkeeper.
The goalposts and crossbars must be white.
Goals must be anchored securely to the
ground. |